This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other Singapore Chefs' Association events.

Event DetailsEvent Details

SCA AGM 2022 will be conducted in hybrid: In-Person and Online (Zoom). This registration page is only for Online Zoom attendance of AGM. For AGM In-Person attendance registration, please register on the other event registration page titled "SCA Annual General Meeting 2022".

Select Member's Free ticket to RSVP/Register your attendance.

Dear Member,

Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of Singapore Chefs' Association will be held at:

28 March 2022 (Monday), 7.00 pm through Zoom

For the following purpose:

  1. To receive and adopt the minutes of the preceding Annual General Meeting.
  2. To receive and consider the Annual Reports and Audited Statement of Accounts for the year ending 31 December 2021.
  3. Appointment of Auditors
  4. Election of Executive Committee Members.
  5. Amendments to the Constitution
  6. Other Matters
  • Any and all other matters, for which notice has been given in writing

By order of the Executive Committee

Dated 13 March 2022

Milind Sovani (Mr)

Honorary Secretary, SCA


  • Login details can be found in the Confirmation Email after a member has successfully registered through selecting "Free" ticket.
  • Members should only register for one event: Online Zoom, or the actual In-person event.



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